Canvas Stretched Prints London

Canvas Stretched Prints London

Like normal stretched canvases just much, much bigger!

We offer large, full colour canvas prints stretched around sturdy wooden frames. Our maximum width is 3 meters wide and can be used for a wide variety of purposes including backdrops, wall wraps and event graphics.

Our canvas prints are printed onto a high quality matte canvas with optional black reverse in order to limit show through. Overseen by experienced printers who will ensure that your canvas print is vivid, punchy and produced to a high standard you can rest assured that your canvas will meet your expectation. Printed using UV technology means that our canvases are colourfast and won’t fade in direct sunlight for years.

Our handcrafted stretcher bars are made from high quality pine sourced from sustainable woodlands. Available in several different profile depths, ranging from 18mm through to 44mm thick, our stretcher bars are profiled to give maximum strength and stability to the frame. All of our smaller frames come with traditional morticed corners to ensure the tightest fit possible and keep the canvas frames true to size. Cross braces are also available for additional stability on larger frames.

We also offer smaller personalised canvas printing perfect for the home, office or given as a gift. All we need to produce your perfect piece of custom art is a high resolution image and your required size. We have an image library available for you to browse if you don’t have an exact image and are always happy to check if your artwork is suitable to print.

Please scroll down to see examples of our work